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azaba, 5 июля 2022:
Adding insult to injury were notices early friday that senior trump administration officials were going to get a pay rise - however and then the flow of press attention, games torrent by friday evening, the office of driving personnel had instructed federal agencies to abstain during the government shutdown. And legislators, who bear some responsibility for the 420,000 key government employees who are forced to work for free, usually receive income themselves, thanks to the us constitution. The 27th amendment also prohibits congress from passing any laws that promote material well-being during the current term. Congress had a lot of time to pass a law according to which their salaries would also be reduced during the closure process, but for some reason it did not come to that. President donald trump, a user who said he would take on the "mantle" of responsibility for each potential closure in order to turn around and blame the democrats after this happens, donated his money to the amount of 400 thousand dollars. Of course, he prefers to emphasize that the oak amount of banknotes is "not of great importance to him," so this is. Stay aware of the actual facts... Subscribe to the daily new news story.Join us on twitter and facebook I wouldn't be surprised if the tsa's fight against the "blue flu" disappears around the same time the government can work again. Congress should not give income for free. The president should not work for free. But americans are awarded only a small part of the salaries of these politicians, although their concern is very important. If we are talking about you, our government should stop dealing with problems because as if all these citizens are disposable - the figures write on the topic that people do not want to be involved in such games.